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Matthew Robles

  • @the_dapperdon Instagram

2016 Lexus IS200T F-Sport

Instagram: @the_dapperdon

Images by @dapperdonmedia 

Vehicle History & Modifications

I was in the market for a new car while I was in the U.S. Army and I had seen these newer Lexus with the new grill and instantly fell in love with how aggressive they looked and just knew I had to get one of my own. 

  • Airlift 3P management w/ Airlift Air Struts 

  • GMR SF-8 

  • Godspeed Camber Arm

  • Megan Racing Toe Arm 

Matthew's Story:

Cars were always apart of my life growing up so it was just a matter of when I was old enough to build my own.


My father had a low-rider when I was growing up, my grandfather was building a 1952 Chevy Pick-up, and my brother at one point had a 2013 Subaru WRX which rocketed my passion into what it is today. He would take me to car meets with his friends every week and even on cruise nights. 


Growing up and seeing how nice my brother’s Subaru was made me want to jump into the scene as soon as I possibly could. 

For me, it was a way of bonding and letting loose.

Stance has allowed me to express myself while having fun. 


Josh Foley

  • @s.lowbrz Instagram
  • @s.lowbrz TikTok

2014 Subaru BRZ

Instagram: @s.lowbrz 

TikTok: @s.lowbrz